My son has taken a huge interest in getting into dirtbike we have been at the practice track every weekend this summer. We have a couple of acres here at the house but just not the same. He has been on a four wheeler since he was 4 and then advanced to a dirt bike when he was 9...but now we are on to the racing bikes! Yikes..this is not a mom's first choice for her son..but how can you say no when he eats and breaths it! He has been building a track out our backyard for a month and 1/2.....he is ready to go! He worked all last summer to buy this little baby...he rides, then he has to wash and wax for the next 2 hours! Bless his heart!

I hope you are enjoying your days with your kids...they are so much fun to watch grow!
Have a wonderful day!
OMG, my heart stopped beating when I saw he went air born! Looks like he had great fun. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing. :)
Fantastic pics Christine and my goodness he looks like he is having fun. Can see why you donlt have so much time for crafting at the mo. Marianne x
Hi Christine. What great photos. Great for a scrapbook layout. My husband used to do this when he was younger and competed in competitions. He has a road bike now, but doesn't race. It is a great way for your son to have lots of fun and it keeps you fit as well. Donna
wow what great photo's thanks for sharing them with us.. he reminds me of eivel knievel ( don't know if is spelt right lol)
Lisa ;)
Hi Christine, these pictures are amazing, dont know how you cope with him up in the air like that, but I have found out with my 11 year old if you try to stop them they do it behind your back and not always safely, so this way you get to make sure he's ok. have a good rest of the school hols love chris xx
I would be a nervous wreck but like you said, you have to support them. Fabulous photos though!
Oh my God! What great photos, but I can imagine you are not so happy about it. But if he really enjoys it it is great to see he takes so much effort in it! Cool!
Wow, how cool is that! Looks like he's got plenty of protective clothing on so bike away! Thanks for sharing the pics. I know all about boys and their toys.
OH MY GOODNESS..Fun fun Fun..I ride a bike to but it is a Harley and I like to have both wheels on the ground lol.. Good for you as a mom I would be a nervous wreck...but proud as can be that ..that is your son in those pictures!! Tell him he looks awesome from me !!!
Great pictures Christine.
Wow - look at Justin go! Very cool pics and what an exciting hobby for him! Excellent way to stay busy during these fun summer days! He'll be the next Evil Kenevil, hahaha!!!
Hugs, Danielle
Hi Christine, your son is lucky to have such an understanding mum, not sure Id want to give up my garden for dirt biking but at least you can keep your eyes on him. Fabulous photos to. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx
Wow Christine! What awesome pictures. It is great that your son has such an interest in something from such a young age. You are so patient and understanding. I would be afraid to see him up in the air like that.
O my goodness... I love these pictures. My son would love this.. I just tucked my daughters (all 3 of them) into their college apartments..:( They grow so fast.. Love this and enjoy.
Oh wowwwwww! How FUN!!
I would die if I saw Austin jump that high. Not quite sure how you watch it. I know you worry sick about him getting hurt in hockey, how do you watch this. He sure must be the best dressed out there, lol. Way to go Justin.
Hugs xx
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